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The Latest in Websites and Marketing for Dentists & Doctors

How To Know If Your Dental Marketing Strategy Is Actually Working

If you’re wondering if your dental marketing efforts are paying off, there’s a simple yet effective way to find out: create an internal report and ask your patients, “How did you hear about us?”

Monthly Internal Report

Start by implementing a Monthly Internal Report. This report will provide insights into how many new patients visited your practice and how they discovered you. Ask your patients, “How did you hear about us?” instead of “Who referred you?” This slight change in questioning can give you insights on the impact of your online presence.

Tracking Patient Responses

Keep track of these responses on a monthly basis. If you start noticing mentions of terms like “website,” “Google,” or “Internet,” it’s a clear indication that your SEO efforts are paying off. 

If you’re looking to improve your online presence, we’re here to help. Reach out to us for a free, no-obligation assessment of your online presence. We offer affordable and effectives Websites & Online Marketing for dentists.

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